
Perhepirkko is the Digital Support Tool with Systemic Approach for Child Protection

To support the systemic, relationship-based operating model, Integritas has developed the Perhepirkko software service, which includes digital, systemic tools for client work.
Systemic child protection is a way of working in child protection organized with a specific team structure, based on a methodological framework. It has gained widespread traction in Finland in recent years and can be applied broadly to social work and psychosocial services in general.

Utilizing Perhepirkko Tools

With Perhepirkko’s tools, steering systemic client work towards goals is clear and illustrative.


Weekly Meeting Tool
Facilitates the coordination of the team’s weekly meetings and guides workers to pre-prepare the core issues together with the family. It streamlines the workflow and documentation during the meetings.


Relationship Network
The relationship network tool helps to map the child’s and family’s network. With the tool, the family discusses important relationships for them.


The timeline is a tool for processing the family’s experiences and jointly reviewing past life events and previous help efforts.


Help Map
Using the map, families create a shared vision of a good future and identify things that may advance or hinder it.

Perhepirkko Supports the Systemic Operating Model

Perhepirkko supports the implementation of a systemic and relationship-based framework. It enriches the work for both seasoned professionals and the workforce of the future.

Working in accordance with the systemic operating model is based on respectful encounters between workers and clients. The relationships and trust built from these encounters can lead to significant positive changes in the clients’ lives.

Clients’ and their relatives’ well-being is strongly tied to relationships. Life stories and experiences also impact everyday life in various ways. Additionally, a shared vision of the desired future and factors that promote or hinder it must be created with the client.

Perhepirkko offers tools for this work: timeline, relationship network, help map, and weekly meeting tool.

Perhepirkko is digital support for relationship-based systemic work and a tool for collaboration.

Perhepirkko guides work in child protection and social work with a respectful, permission-seeking approach, ensuring that clients’ participation is realized.

Supporting Clients in Systemic Child Protection

  • With Perhepirkko, acceptance, curious joint learning, and compassion in client encounters are strengthened.
  • Clients’ and relatives’ participation and influence opportunities increase through the shared understanding created with Perhepirkko.
  • Perhepirkko supports shared goal setting and finding clients’ strengths and dreams. Shared work strengthens the client’s own change efforts, and the implementation of concrete help measures.
  • The systemic framework includes the idea that clients can be motivated for change only with information they feel is their own. Joint work with Perhepirkko enhances the openness and transparency of information about the client, supporting positive change.

A Tool for Workers and Teams Operating Systemically

  • Perhepirkko supports getting to know the client and building trust by engaging in dialogue at the beginning of the work. The client’s and relatives’ situation are considered in a future and strength-focused way.
  • A key part of joint work with Perhepirkko is mapping the important family relationships and the broader network for the client. Perhepirkko guides the worker to find root causes and deepens client work.
  • With Perhepirkko’s support, the team’s weekly meeting work is disciplined and reflective, making hypotheses. Recording the team’s work into concrete steps is effortless with Perhepirkko. The system also supports workers in task management and planning.

Support for Managing Systemic Child Protection

  • Perhepirkko helps to strengthen staff’s client work skills, set methodological requirements for client work, and monitor their implementation. Thus, unified practices are formed in the organization.
  • With Perhepirkko, the latest phenomenon and methodological knowledge can be brought to teams to support client work. In addition, Perhepirkko can ensure the implementation of agreed development priorities, such as reunification work, reducing placements, and multi-agency service needs assessment.

Perhepirkko in Social Work

A video on “Digitality on Social Work’s Terms” illustrates how Perhepirkko guides and supports social work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there something you’re wondering about? Check below to see if the answer is there. You can also contact us!

Is Perhepirkko integrated into the customer information system?

Yes. Perhepirkko can be integrated into all customer information systems used in Finland.

Does Perhepirkko force workers to follow a certain pattern in client work?

No, it does not. The purpose of Perhepirkko is to guide the worker to operate according to the systemic operating model, but it allows space for the professional’s own expertise.

Is it mandatory to use all Perhepirkko functionalities with each client?

No, it is not. Based on their judgment and considering the situation, the worker can select the Perhepirkko functionalities that best advance client work.

Is Perhepirkko used with the client and their relatives?

Yes. Perhepirkko is specifically intended as a tool for client work to be used together with the client.

Does Perhepirkko follow the client as they move from one level of support to another?

Yes. Perhepirkko is specifically intended as a tool for client work to be used together with the client.

Can the client access Perhepirkko themselves?

No, they cannot independently. The systemic tools are intended to be used in dialogue with the professional, ensuring the client’s involvement is central.

Does Perhepirkko replace the customer information system?

No, they cannot independently. The systemic tools are intended to be used in dialogue with the professional, ensuring the client’s involvement is central.

Can I use Perhepirkko even if I haven’t yet taken systemic work training?

Yes, you can. According to feedback, Perhepirkko has helped grasp the principles of systemic work as part of training.

Can I download Perhepirkko for myself?

Unfortunately, you cannot. A contract is always made with the service provider organization for Perhepirkko.

Where can I follow current matters related to Perhepirkko and Pirkko?

On Instagram, you can follow Perhepirkko here and Pirkko here. You can also subscribe to the Perhepirkko newsletter and the Pirkko newsletter.