PIRKKO® Enhances the Targeting of Social and Health Work – Payback Calculator Shows Savings Potential

With the payback calculator developed by Integritas, it is possible to estimate how quickly the PIRKKO® system will pay for itself. The payback calculator is particularly used to assess the improvement in targeted customer work and the resulting savings potential.

Social and health care services were transferred from municipal responsibility to welfare areas less than a year ago, with the aim of creating equal services for all Finns. The true picture of the everyday life in welfare areas is grim: money and resources are insufficient. The situation affects both social and health care staff and the clients who want to use these services.

Savings must be achieved, and the scale of these savings is so large that achieving them is not possible without addressing the largest expense, which is personnel costs. This includes both the salaries of own staff and outsourced services. Reducing personnel costs does not necessarily mean layoffs, as there is already a significant shortage of staff. The current, or even a smaller team, should therefore achieve more so-called right things.

To achieve savings and ensure current resources are sufficient, better workforce targeting is needed: we need to create solutions that can consistently verify whether social and health care client work is done the right way, at the right time, and with the right patients. When we know that the care work is targeted correctly, we are on the right path.

The greatest aspect of improving work targeting is that it automatically leads to better care outcomes. Properly targeted work begins quickly and intensively, which is known to be crucial, for example, in psychiatry. By focusing on improving targeting, real savings and better care can be simultaneously achieved.